Sunday, January 9, 2011

Creating A JPEG eBook Cover Using PowerPoint

Download a “free use” photo or graphic from a website. These include:

This image was downloaded from

There are many ways to create book covers. I create a JPG or JPEG image. There are also many software programs that can accomplish this. I started simple, using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite.

PowerPoint Steps:

1) Load Powerpoint

2) A blank slide will appear. By default it is in the landscape position, which means that it is short, but wide. Book covers are taller and thinner. We can change the PowerPoint slide orientation to fix this.

Select the “Design” tab on PowerPoint.

Select “Slide Orientation” and choose Portrait.

This changes the slide to a taller, thinner version. This is what you want to create your book cover.

3) In the top text box type in the name of your book.

There will be black letters on a white background.

If you wish to change the text colour, simply:

Highlight the text

Right click

Select “Font” from the menu.

Left click on the paint bucket next to “Font color”

Select a colour.

Left click on the “Ok” button

In the lower text box type the Author name.

Repeat the same steps as above to change the font colour.

4) Next, we will add a background colour to the slide. To do this:

Right click on the slide itself.

Choose “Format Background”

Left click on the paint bucket tab beside the word color

Select your background color.

The slide colour should have changed.

Left click the “Close” button.

If you cannot see the text it is likely because the text colour and the background colour are the same. If so, change one.

5) Click on the top text (Book Title). You will see a box around the text. Move your mouse slowly until you are at the edge of the box, and you see that the icon has changed to four arrows. Right click and move the box up or down on the slide. This allows you to position the text where you would like it.

To start, take the text box to the top of the slide.

Repeat as required for the bottom text (Author), and take the text box to the bottom of the slide.

6) Having now moved the book title and Author text to top and bottom of the slide respectively, there will be a gap in the middle. We will use that to insert a photo or graphic image. To do that,

Select the “Insert” tab on PowerPoint.

Select “Picture”

A box will appear that will allow you to select the photo you want to insert. Select the photo and left click on insert.

To resize the picture, left click on it. Move the cursor to one of the bottom corners and drag to expand the size of the picture. You can left click on the picture to get the four arrow icon and move where the picture resides on the slide.

7) Save your work as a PowerPoint file. This will allow you to make changes later.

8) Left click the “File” tab in the top left corner.

Select “Save As” and a box will appear.

Move to the menu at the bottom of the box that says “Save as type:”

Left click on the downward arrowhead on the right side of the box that reads “PowerPoint Presentation”.

Scroll down and left click on “JPEG File Interchange Format”

Left click on the “Save” button.

You will be asked if you want to save this slide or all slides.

As there is only one slide choose either.

You have now saved the JPEG file that is your book cover.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thirty More Minutes

Bob Reeves sat in a plastic chair, on a nondescript gray vinyl floor, under a flickering fluorescent light, surrounded by antiseptic white walls. The bleach based cleaning fluid stung his eyes, and permeated his nostrils.

His wife of four decades lay dead beside him. She had never looked so beautiful. Mary had been so brave for so long, but her body had finally just worn out. Bob held Mary's hand. He knew this is the last time they would be alone. If he could have been mad at her, he would have been. He was supposed to have died first dammit. That was just the way it worked. All men knew that.

Their only child, Scott, had been killed twenty-one years ago by a drunk driver. Scott's death shattered them, and turned their world upside down. In time, it had also saved their marriage. The two had grown distant before the accident. He cheated, she drank, and they lived a life of quiet solitude. They had both considered divorce, but the need to hold onto Scott's memory held them together.

Tears fell from Bob's eyes as he recalled that time. She had been patient with him, and he had vowed to make up for his mistakes. They rekindled what they once had, and spent two blissful decades together. They were seldom apart. Mary fretted about his health, even after she got sick. That was her.

A sound at the door startled him.

"Is everything ok?" a nurse asked.

"Perfect," Bob replied. "I am just visiting with my wife."

"Ok. Visiting hours are over in thirty minutes,"

"No problem," Bob said. He would enjoy thirty more minutes with the only woman he had ever loved. He kissed her on the forehead and sat back down, never letting go of her hand.

Jackson Kingmaker